Meet Robin Doyon

Hi there! I’m Robin Doyon (pronounced DOY-un) and yoga is my vessel to peace, joy and well-being in both mind and body. I’m here to help facilitate that for you, too.

I’ve been very fortunate to have practiced with and studied under many gifted and informed teachers from many lineages, styles, and expressions of yoga and my teaching reflects this variety with my own sense of creativity and unique take on life. 

Stylistically, I focus on maintaining body alignment, working with resistance and strength, and emphasizing deep stretching. Regardless of your level, I’ll meet you where you are and will do so with nourishment, acceptance, radical non-judgment, humor, and encouragement to have a sense of curiosity about yourself and your practice.  

I have 12+ years teaching studio classes, private sessions and special events here in Decatur. My certifications, in a variety of disciplines, include Anusara-inspired Vinyasa; Yin; Spiritual Teachings of Yoga and Pranayama through the Pranakriya School of Yogic Healing Arts; trauma-informed Yoga; Bikram; and Kids & Teens. 

When not teaching, you’ll find me working in my home graphic design studio, thrifting, hiking, spending time loving on and laughing with my husband and daughter, or scootering in-town neighborhoods visiting my favorite trees.